Tickle His Pickle Your Penis Instruction Manual

Tickle His Pickle Your Penis Instruction Manual

Hotter Sex Is Now In Your Hands!

Here's the penis instruction manual that should come with every guy-all the highly orgasmic touches and techniques that'll rev up your passion, rekindle his intimacy, and spark the reddest hottest lustiest sex ever.

Peek Inside. You'll Discover.
* Over 50 sizzling techniques to master oral lovemaking
* How to fulfill his erotic fantasies (so he'll beg for more)
* Arousing sex toy tricks that'll supercharge his orgasms
* A tiny erogenous zone that triggers king-sized climaxes
* Top 10 tips to avoid the biggest penis no-no's

Plus many more turn-ons for both of you!

Product Information
Length147 Pages
Size147 Pages

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  • Brand: Tickle Kitty
  • Product Code: ZTK03
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £15.99